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週日, 24 十月 2010 23:36

The VILAR plant is in operation for forty years. During that time the production of our enterprise became well-known in Russia and abroad. Our medicines, which are of soft therapeutic effect and non-toxic for a person's body, are manufactured on the basis of medicinal vegetable raw materials.

The experience of usage of medicinal herb health-giving potential is known to mankind from the ancient ages. We use the knowledge, collected by centuries, for the creation of the new medicines, represented in different forms and assortment.

There are a lot of the original inventions among our medicines, which have no foreign analogues.

The high quality and efficiency of the produced medicines are permanently confirmed by the consumer growing demand and sales market broadening.

Today, when the humanity is seriously concerning on different diseases growing, we hawe chosen, as the main direction of our activity - the creation of the immunity stimulating medicines and biologically active additions (BAA), which help to keep the physical status of a healthy person and to provide the preventive measures against the diseases.

The outstanding feature of the VILAR plant is the existence of the exclusive circle: from the invention of the idea till its realization in the medicine manufacturing. It makes possible to control the quality of the produced medicines on all technological steps.

Our main principals are - the broadening of the medicinal forms assortment, the reasonable prices of the ready product, their high quality. These principles are permanent.

The price of our medicines is several times lower than that of the imported analogues. This fact provides its availability for the population including those of the moderate means.

Inviting you for the cooperation, we are sure, that it will be mutually beneficial and our combined efforts will guard the health of the Russian citizens and return the deserved respect to the Russian manufacturers.

VILAR PPP Director
Magister of the Economical Sciences

Production Pilot Plant VILAR

The production pilot plant VILAR was established in 1959 as the industrial basis of The All-Russia Scientific Research Institute of the Medicinal and Aromatic Herbs (VILAR).

The creation and development of the medicine production technology by scientists of the Institute was the main task at that period. At present the production of the medicines from the medicinal raw materials is placed on the industrial basis.




The enterprise is structurally subdivided into three shops: fito-chemical, busy in the processing of the vegetable raw materials and two shops, producting the finished medicines.

Besides the plant is a wholesaler of the licensed medicinal products.







Our products are made of the vegetable raw materials!

Native medicines serially produced by EPP "VILAR"

Imported analogues (by action)

Antiviral agents


Astiklovirum (Zoviraks, Viroleks)


No analogues


No analogues



Antimicrobic agents

Sanguiritrinum (antimicrobic agent)

No analogues

Evcalyminum (antimicrobic & antiInflammatory agent)

No analogues

Anmarinum (arvtimycotic agent)


Agents for treatment of a gastrointeric and hepatobiliary system

Silirnarum (hepatoprotective agent)


Tanaceholum (chlagogic agent)


Rotokan (antiinflamatory agent)


Antrasenninum (purgative agent)


Agents for treatment of cardiovascular deseases

Allapininum (antiarythimc agent)

No analogues

Celanidum (cardiotonic agent)


Agents for treatment of the endocrine deseases

Aberginum (dofaminergic agent)


Neurotropic agents

Bellataminaium (sedative agent)

Belloid, Bellaspon

Dry Extract of Eleutherococci (tonic adaptogenic agent)


Agents production tonic action on the uterine muscles

Ergometrini Meleas (myothropic agent for stopping the uterine bleeding)


Photosensibilizing agents



Metoxallen, Oxoralen ultra, Puvalen, Meladinin


Website of VILAR: http://www.vilar-plant.ru/

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