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Tang Prize Series by Chechena Kuular is Now On-Air! PDF Print E-mail
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Tuesday, 27 February 2024 09:02

The Tang Prize series produced by Radio Taiwan International’s (RTI) Russian Program host Chechen Kuular has been released. Established in 2012, the Tang Prize has garnered global recognition and is often hailed as "Asia’s Nobel.” It comprises four categories: Sustainable Development, Biopharmaceutical Science, Sinology, and Rule of Law. The three podcast episodes and one video listed below feature an introduction of the Tang Prize's four categories and its distinguished laureates by Tang Prize CEO, Chen Chien-chuan. This series is tailored for Russian-speaking audiences. For those interested, the links are as follows:


Episode I: The Tang Prize—Taiwan’s Response to the Nobel Prize/The Story Behind the “Table of Honor”



Episode II: Why Were They Awarded the Tang Prize/ Get to Know Tang Prize Laureates


Episode III: How to Win a Tang Prize?


This special Russian-language short film made by the RTI offers viewers an insight into the Tang Prize, including its founder Dr. Samuel Yin, the philosophy behind the establishment of the prize, as well as past and most recent laureates.



Last Updated on Tuesday, 27 February 2024 21:11
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