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10th Anniversary Celebration of TCIAE PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 25 January 2019 15:00

TAICE was established in 2009 by the founding president, Dr. Samuel Yin. In the past ten years, TCIAE has served as a major platform to assist academia、governmental and industrial circles with the role of NGO to promote the scientific and technological exchanges among Taiwan, Russia and IAE branches (C.I.S. Countries).

TCIAE celebrate its establishment by organizing the 10 th anniversary celebration on January 23 at Howard Plaza Hotel, Taipei. Through video, President of IAE Gusev B.V. congratulates all members. President of TCIAE Jenn-Chuan Chern gives a presentation, titled the 10 years TCIAE development and contribution as a platform for science and technology exchanges between Taiwan and Russia. (Download).

To celebrate the 10th anniversary, TCIAE launched a series of events:

  • Special Zone "10th Anniversary of the establishment of TCIAE"
  • President of IAE Gusev B.V. was awarded (9/20/2018,Taiwan).
  • 10 th anniversary celebration at Howard Plaza Hotel, Taipei (1/23/2019,Taiwan). President of IAE Gusev's congratulations (download) and video.
  • RAE & IAE will celebrate the 10 years of the establishment of TCIAE and invite President of TCIAE Jenn-Chuan Chern to give a speech. (4/26/2019,Moscow)

10th Anniversary Celebration of TCIAE (1/23/2019,Taiwan)


TCIAE Jenn-Chuan Chern gives a presentation (1/23/2019,Taiwan).

President of TCIAE Jenn-Chuan Chern (left) presented a gift to Director General of Bureau of Consular Affairs Chun-shen Chen (former representative in Russia) (1/23/2019,Taiwan)

President of TCIAE Jenn-Chuan Chern (left) awards President of IAE Gusev B.V.



Last Updated on Wednesday, 30 January 2019 15:00
TCIAE參加台俄雙邊科技合作20週年硏討會 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 07 November 2018 13:34
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科技部與俄羅斯基礎研究基金會(RFBR)為慶祝二十年雙邊歷久彌新的夥伴關係,昨(11/6)日共同舉辦「台俄雙邊科技合作20週年慶研討會」(20th RFBR-MOST Anniversary of Partenership)。科技部由謝達斌次長、俄羅斯基礎研究基金會Vladimir Kvardakov副主席開場致詞,莫北協駐臺北代表處白樂賢處長亦到場共襄盛舉,臺俄雙邊超過100位研究人員出席研討會。科技部特別邀請俄羅斯國際工程院台灣分會(TCIAE )理事長陳振川教授出席針對俄羅斯國際工程院十年的發展及對台俄科技交流平台的貢獻進行演說。本會陳振川理事受邀擔任專題報告人(Keynote Speaker),發表「10 Years of TCIAE Development and Contribution as a Platform for Science and Technology Exchanges between Taiwan and Russia 」。RFBR係基礎科學及社會科學為主之俄羅斯官方研究經費補助機構,和科技部功能相似,20年來雙方合作密切。

陳理事長代表母會IAE會長Gusev及TCIAE表示祝賀,並透過演講說明TCIAE創立及十年來以NGO角色推動台灣與俄羅斯、獨立國協會員國在科技交流之成果。TCIAE 在和母會IAE及俄羅斯工程院RAE密切合作下,推動兩國產官學界整合,著重應用工程科技及技術移轉。


俄羅斯國際工程院台灣分會(TCIAE)理事長陳振川教授(左四)、莫北協駐臺北代表處白樂賢處長(左五)、科技部謝達斌次長(左六)、俄羅斯基礎研究基金會Vladimir Kvardakov副主席(左七)出席台俄雙邊科技合作20週年慶研討會





Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 July 2019 13:24
俄羅斯國際工程院嚴謹評選院士 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Monday, 11 December 2017 16:23
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Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 May 2019 21:51

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