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1 Dr. Boris Gusev, President of International Academies of Engineering, visited Taiwan during Jan 14 to 18 5804
2 The executive supervisor of TCIAE, Chang Kuo-Chun, led a Taiwanese delegation to St. Petersburg to attend the 16th Seismic Conference from June 30 to July 5, 2019 4746
3 1060418 台北駐莫斯科代表處科技組傅昭銘組長拜訪唐獎基金會 7868
4 1010206-0211 俄羅斯代表團訪台-頒證書 9679
5 Opening Ceremony of Taiwan Chapter on 27, June, 2009 10999
6 Members & Corresponding Members of IAE Award Ceremony (1 March, 2010) 10642
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