Home Conferences Information Conference of National Moscow University of Civil Engineering-2011/10/19~21

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Conference of National Moscow University of Civil Engineering-2011/10/19~21 PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 13 July 2011 12:23

Topics of the Conference:

● construction and architecture
● integrated safety in construction
● energy efficiency, resource-savings, advanced systems and technologies of civil engineering
● information technologies in design development, construction, maintenance of buildings and
research management
● building materials and technologies
● power engineering, special construction
● geotechnical problems of construction
● construction economics and management, real estate
● scientific and educational research in professional personnel training at the National Research University
of Civil Engineering
● fundamental sciences in the present-day construction industry

The languages are Russian and English.

The Conference will take place at Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Address: 26 Yaroslavskoye Sh., 129337, Moscow, Russia.

Dates of the Conference Events:

19-20 October, 2011. International Conference: Opening ceremony; Plenary session; Seminars;

21 October, 2011. Acquaintance with the University facilities; attendance of research laboratories,
scientific centers, departments, Gala Concert.

Terms of Participation:

Each participant should submit the following documents into the International Relations Department:
● registration form (appendix 1)
● scientific papers, completed according to the requirements of the appendix 2.

Deadline for applications is 1 September, 2011.

Participation Fees

No registration fee is charge for the university partners.

Hotel Rates

Hotel rates depend on hotels ordered by the Conference guests (appendix 3).

Contact Information

International Relations Department, tel.: +7(499) 183-8365, tel./fax +7 (499) 183-3801,
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