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【2024 唐獎得獎人演講 實況直播影片 】「唐獎得獎人演講」振聾發聵 為世紀課題指明路找解方 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 16 October 2024 10:46
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「唐獎得獎人演講」9/28 假國家圖書館舉辦,六位2024唐獎得主:永續發展獎—奧馬爾·亞基、法治獎—瑪麗·羅賓遜、生技醫藥獎—喬爾·哈本能、司維特蘭那·莫依索夫、延斯·祖爾·霍斯特教授等三位、漢學獎—許倬雲,分別發表精彩演講。

原聲頻道→ https://www.youtube.com/live/jpoNlpjWpNI?si=QusItJp0z4TN2qoQ


口譯頻道→ https://www.youtube.com/live/qr39xOuYACo?si=ma7ZvOnfnRLqxFXH

Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 October 2024 12:20
Tang Prize Laureate Lectures and Master Forums Open for Registration PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 19 September 2024 15:57

The best way to spend a hot autumn day is to enjoy a feast of knowledge in an air-conditioned room! The "Tang Prize Week" series of events, which will officially kick off on September 26th, will include the "Tang Prize Laureate Lectures" and four "Masters' Forums," which will be open to the public free of charge. The former will be held on September 28th at the National Central Library's Multipurpose Performance Hall, and simultaneous interpretation will be provided. The latter will be held from September 30th to October 1st at four universities: National Taiwan University, Soochow University, China Medical University, and National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. We welcome those interested in learning from the lifelong research of Tang Prize Laureates and experiencing their wisdom firsthand to seize this valuable opportunity and register on our official website.


The highly anticipated Tang Prize Laureate Lectures will feature six 2024 Tang Prize laureates presenting on selected topics across four sessions in one day. Addressing the urgent global challenges of clean air, energy, and water, Omar M. Yaghi, the laureate in Sustainable Development, will lead the first session. In his lecture "Ultraporous Crystals for a Sustainable Future," Professor Yaghi will showcase how breakthroughs in reticular chemistry over the past three decades have revolutionized our ability to capture and store carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and methane. He will delve into the process of translating these technologies from laboratory discoveries to real-world applications.


Following that, Mary Robinson, the 2024 Tang Prize Laureate in Rule of Law, will deliver a lecture titled "Rebuilding Respect for Rule of Law: An Urgent Task, a Shared Responsibility." In her address, Professor Robinson will delve into the multifaceted challenges facing the rule of law, examining how authoritarianism, conflict, and disregard for international norms have undermined and threatened its very foundations. The erosion of respect for the rule of law, fueled by the recent pandemic, persistent armed conflicts, and the escalating climate crisis, has put human rights and sustainable development in a precarious position. Highlighting the critical role of the rule of law in safeguarding these essential rights, Professor Robinson will draw upon her extensive experience to issue a clarion call to the world. She will underscore that rebuilding respect for the rule of law is not only an urgent imperative but also a shared responsibility of states, corporations, and citizens alike. Only through such concerted efforts can we hope to forge a path toward a more peaceful, sustainable, and just future for all.


The Biopharmaceutical Science session will feature a series of presentations by the 2024 Tang Prize Laureates in Biopharmaceutical Science. First, Professor Joel Habener will present on "Glucagon-Like Peptide-1." Next, Professor Svetlana Mojsov will speak on "Chemistry Matters: From A Putative Peptide to Efficient Therapeutics for Diabetes and Obesity." Finally, Professor Jens Juul Holst will deliver a lecture titled "Gut Hormones as Basis for Treatment of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes." They will share the fascinating scientific journey and stories behind the research on GLP-1 (7-37), a peptide with remarkable anti-diabetic and anti-obesity effects. Their talks will explore the potential of GLP-1-based therapeutics, which have benefited millions of patients with diabetes and obesity worldwide, in treating other conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases and cognitive impairment, in the future.


The final session will feature Professor Hsu Cho-yun, Academician of Academia Sinica and the 2024 Tang Prize Laureate in Sinology, delivering his lecture "Finding Your Way in a Disorienting World." How can we find our place and purpose in an era of turbulent times and information overload? Professor Hsu will draw on his vast knowledge of history to compare Chinese and Western cultures, exploring their differences from the perspectives of religious beliefs, political systems, and economic development. He will delve into the complexities of world order, gleaning wisdom from the past to illuminate the challenges of the present. With his profound insights gained from a lifetime of studying history, Professor Hsu will guide us in navigating this disorienting world and finding a feasible path forward amidst global uncertainty.


The "Masters' Forums" will be held at four universities, each dedicated to a specific prize category. The laureate will deliver a 30-minute keynote speech, followed by a panel discussion with experts and scholars, fostering intellectual exchange and sparking new ideas. On September 30th, the Sinology forum will take place at National Taiwan University in the morning, with the theme "Reorienting China: From the Continent to the Oceans." In the afternoon, the Rule of Law forum will be held at Soochow University, focusing on "Contemporary Challenges on Human Rights and Global Justice." On October 1st, the Biopharmaceutical Science forum will convene at China Medical University in the morning, exploring "Contemporary Development of Type-2 Diabetes Treatment and Obesity Control." In the afternoon, the Sustainable Development forum will be hosted at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, delving into "New Advancement of Sustainability Science and Technology: The development of metal organic and related frameworks (MOFs and COFs) and its prospect."




Sustainable Development

Rule of Law

Biopharmaceutical Science



Omar M. Yaghi

Mary Robinson

Joel F. Habener


Svetlana Mojsov


Jens Juul Holst

Hsu Cho-yun


Ultraporous Crystals for a Sustainable Future

Rebuilding Respect for Rule of Law:
An Urgent Task, a Shared Responsibility

Glucagon-like Peptide-1


Chemistry Matters: From A Putative Peptide to Efficient Therapeutics for Diabetes and Obesity


Gut Hormones as Basis for Treatment of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

Finding Your Way in a Disorienting World




09:30~10:30 (GMT+8)

11:00~12:00 (GMT+8)

13:30~15:45 (GMT+8)

16:15~17:15 (GMT+8)


▶︎ Youtube


National Central Library - Multipurpose Performance Hall
( No. 20, Zhongshan S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City )

Event Registration



(Laureate: Hsu Cho-yun)

2024.9.30 10:00~12:00   (Taiwan time, GMT+8)

Live Stream ▶︎ Youtube

National Taiwan University (Taipei)

Reorienting China: From the Continent to the Oceans
* The forum will be conducted in Chinese language

Event Registration




Rule of Law
(Laureate: Mary Robinson)

2024.9.30 14:00~16:00   (Taiwan time, GMT+8)

Live Stream ▶︎ Youtube

Soochow University (Taipei)

Contemporary Challenges on Human Rights and Global Justice

Event Registration




Biopharmaceutical Science
(Laureate: Svetlana Mojsov, Jens Juul Holst)

2024.10.1 10:30~12:30   (Taiwan time, GMT+8)

Live Stream ▶︎ Youtube

China Medical University (Taichung)

Contemporary Development of Type-2 Diabetes Treatment and Obesity Control

Event Registration




Sustainable Development
(Laureate: Omar M. Yaghi)

2024.10.1 14:00~16:00   (Taiwan time, GMT+8)

Live Stream ▶︎ Youtube

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Hsinchu)

New Advancement of Sustainability Science and Technology: The development of metal organic and related frameworks (MOFs and COFs) and its prospect

Event Registration


Last Updated on Friday, 20 September 2024 17:04
The 2024 Tang Prize Week Activities are about to Begin, Please Stay Tuned PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 19 September 2024 15:41

The 2024 Tang Prize  Week will be held at the end of September, including the Tang Prize Glory Exhibition, Award Ceremony and Banquet , Laureate Lectures, Masters’ Forum, Youth Symposia and other activities. Please pay attention to upcoming announcements and welcome to actively participate to welcome our Distinguished laureates.(https://www.tang-prize.org/owner.php )  The online links will be provided for major events and will be provided later.









Last Updated on Friday, 20 September 2024 16:58

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