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Tang Prize Series by Chechena Kuular is Now On-Air! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 27 February 2024 09:02

The Tang Prize series produced by Radio Taiwan International’s (RTI) Russian Program host Chechen Kuular has been released. Established in 2012, the Tang Prize has garnered global recognition and is often hailed as "Asia’s Nobel.” It comprises four categories: Sustainable Development, Biopharmaceutical Science, Sinology, and Rule of Law. The three podcast episodes and one video listed below feature an introduction of the Tang Prize's four categories and its distinguished laureates by Tang Prize CEO, Chen Chien-chuan. This series is tailored for Russian-speaking audiences. For those interested, the links are as follows:


Episode I: The Tang Prize—Taiwan’s Response to the Nobel Prize/The Story Behind the “Table of Honor”



Episode II: Why Were They Awarded the Tang Prize/ Get to Know Tang Prize Laureates


Episode III: How to Win a Tang Prize?


This special Russian-language short film made by the RTI offers viewers an insight into the Tang Prize, including its founder Dr. Samuel Yin, the philosophy behind the establishment of the prize, as well as past and most recent laureates.



Last Updated on Tuesday, 27 February 2024 21:11
Envision A Broader Future—2022 Tang Prize CF PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 27 February 2024 09:01

In 2023, we navigated a year teeming with challenges but also interspersed with unforgettable moments of triumph and beauty. Particularly notable was the presence of all 2022 Tang Prize laureates in Taipei to receive the awards and deliver inspiring lectures. The Tang Prize Foundation especially created this annual video to invite everyone to relive these precious times with us. We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to all our friends for accompanying us throughout this remarkable journey. The support and devotion you’ve shown us weaved so many memorable episodes during the year gone by. As we eagerly await the announcement of the 2024 laureates and look forward to the grandeur of the 6th Tang Prize Award Ceremony, let us raise our glasses to a new year filled with boundless joy. May the Year of the Dragon be one where every prayer granted and every wish fulfilled.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=790507619760007&id=100064023274212&mibextid=Cx5MWH

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nLHBrL2nsc


Last Updated on Friday, 01 March 2024 10:43
Tang Prize and International Academy of Engineering Taiwan Chapter wish you a happy Chinese New Year! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Monday, 05 February 2024 15:10

Last Updated on Monday, 05 February 2024 15:21
TCIAE Board of Directors Meeting and 2024 Members General Meeting Held Successfully in Taipei PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 17 January 2024 07:28

The Taiwan Chapter of the International Academy of Engineering (TCIAE) hosted the TCIAE Members General Meeting and Board of Directors Meeting at the Taipei's Siang Sian Restaurant and Tang Prize Foundation respectively on January 10, 2024. Dr. Samuel Yin, honorary president of the IAE and founding chairman of the Taiwan Chapter, entrusted Dr. Chung-Yao Yin, chairman of Nan Shan Life Insurance, to address the members gathered for this meaningful event which also marked the 15th anniversary of the establishment of TCIAE.

The meeting featured an enlightening presentation by Mrs. Chechena Kuular, a Russian reporter from the Central Broadcasting Corporation. Titled “Exploring a Distinct Russia - The Remote Tuva Republic High Above Sea Level,” the talk covered the history, culture, and environmental changes of the Tuva Republic, as well as its enduring relationships with Russia, Mongolia, and China.

In addition, TCIAE member Dr. Nelson NS Chou generously gifted everyone a copy of his book, An Engineer’s Long Journey: A Rational and Emotional Odyssey, in which he explores the important issue of sustainable development.

In his remarks, Dr. Jenn-Chuan Chern, incumbent president of TCIAE, emphasized the positive interaction and robust cooperation over the years between TCIAE, the Russian Academy of Engineering, and the Ukrainian Academy of Engineering, all members of the IAE. Though the COVID-19 pandemic has hampered the work of the IAE and TCIAE and the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has presented serious obstacles to various academic exchanges, he expressed hope for a viable solution to the war that would bring an end to the suffering of people caught in this unfortunate confrontation and restore academic collaborations at the earliest opportunity.

Last Updated on Thursday, 18 January 2024 16:16
2022 Tang Prize Laureates Award Ceremony And Laureate's Lecture PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 15 August 2023 14:24

2022 Tang Prize Laureates Award Ceremony (English Channel)


Laureate's Lecture:





Sustainable Development

Jeffrey Sachs

Dialogue and Sustainable Development

Click here


Jessica Rawson

Bronze Banqueting Vessels and Golden Belts in the Landscape of Ancient China and of Today

Click here

Rule of Law

Cheryl Saunders

The Grand Puzzle of Comparative Constitutional Law

Click here

Biopharmaceutical Science

Katalin Kariko

Developing mRNA for Therapy

Click here

Drew Weissman

Nucleoside-modified mRNA-LNP therapeutics

Click here

Pieter Cullis

Design of Lipid Nanoparticles That Enable Gene Therapies

Click here


Last Updated on Tuesday, 09 January 2024 09:36

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