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俄羅斯科學院西伯利亞分院刊物(Science in Siberia)刊登本會創辦人尹先生報導 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 02 September 2020 20:52
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俄羅斯科學院西伯利亞分院刊物(Science in Siberia)於2020.8.20刊登尹先生報導(下載PDF),譯文如下: 俄羅斯科學院西伯利亞分院榮譽博士Samuel Yin 70大壽

尹衍樑(Samuel Yin)是國立台灣大學教授、國立台灣科技大學、北京大學、清華大學教授、武漢大學名譽教授、中國水利水電科學研究院名譽教授。

尹教授主要是研究複合結構的強度,特別是與抗震結構有關的強度。 在他的領導下,開發了一套預鑄格子板系統,該系統適用於設計高層建築隔震系統的高科技和創新方法,並創建了一套將科學、生產、控制和抗震結構操作相結合的新型預鑄工法。


尹教授的成就,獲得無數國家和國際知名獎項和榮譽,包括工業發展研究的亨利·邁克(Henry L. Michel)獎、北京大學獎章、聯合國環境獎,以及許多其他獎項。



西伯利亞科學院祝賀榮譽博士Samuel Yin身體健康、取得新的巨大成就、幸福、好運,並繼續與西伯利亞分院保持合作。

Last Updated on Wednesday, 02 September 2020 21:00
Board of Directors' and Supervisors' Meeting took place on July 16 PDF Print E-mail
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Saturday, 18 July 2020 21:44

The epidemic is developing all over the world, so activities between Taiwan and Russia are deeply affected. While it is still difficult in Russia, Taiwan has coped with the coronavirus well, and restrictions on various indoor and outdoor activities have been gradually lifted.

Board of Directors' and Supervisors' Meeting took place on July 16. During the meeting, President of IAE B.V. Gusev (download) and Mr. Huang (download) from Science and Technology Division of the Moscow Representative Office of the Taipei-Moscow Coordination Commission for Economic and Cultural Cooperation were specially invited to speak separately via videoconference.

President of IAE, B. Gusev spoke about the main directions of activities and the structure of IAE. There is a wide range of engineering activities, and the most important ones are energy, materials science, problems of mechanical engineering, automation and robotization. Of course, environmental problems are further developed.

Mr. Huang, director of Science and Technology Division in Moscow, explained that for six months they have promoted scientific and technical cooperation with Russia and its neighboring countries. They have continued to conduct various events. In October, there will be a seminar on humanitarian and sustainable disasters (Vladivostok). On November 1-7 - a seminar on aerospace and technical sciences (Novosibirsk), in December - a biomedical seminar (Moscow). Everyone from TCIAE is welcome.

After the meeting, group photos were taken for memory.






Last Updated on Tuesday, 21 July 2020 20:37
2020 Tang Prize Laureates Unveiled to Universal Acclaim PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Sunday, 05 July 2020 13:25


The recipients of the 2020 Tang Prize have been unveiled. They are: Jane Goodall in Sustainable Development; Charles Dinarello, Marc Feldmann, and Tadamitsu Kishimoto in Biopharmaceutical Science; Wang Gungwu in Sinology; and the Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association (BELA), Dejusticia: The Center for Law, Justice and Society, and The Legal Agenda in Rule of Law. Check out our “Laureates in a Nutshell” series to learn more about these five individuals and three NOGs and see how their great innovations and contributions have made the world a better place. You can also visit our official website and YouTube channel to relive some of the most glorious moments of the announcements. For the complete report of the 2020 winners, please see “Amid Turmoil, 2020 Tang Prize Laureates Strive for an Orderly New World”.


6/18 Announcement of the 2020 Tang Prize Laureates 【Sustainable Development】 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Saturday, 13 June 2020 21:11

Established in Taiwan, the Tang Prize has grown to be one of the most important awards in the world. On June 18, the 2020 Tang Prize laureates in Sustainable Development will be announced in the press conference starting at 10a.m. Taipei time. The live stream will also be available on our official website https://www.tang-prize.org/en/first.php. Please share our good news with your members and join us online in watching the announcement and witnessing this historical event.

Announcement of laureate(s): https://www.tang-prize.org/en/first.php

Live Stream on Tang Prize Website: https://www.tang-prize.org/en/first.php


Guest List:

Dr. Chao-Han Liu


Dr. Pao-Kuan Wang

(Academician &Visiting Chair Professor, Research Center for Environmental Changes )

Prof. Jough-Tai Wang

( National Central University)

Dr. Jenn-Chuan Chern

(CEO, Tang Prize Foundation)


Announcement of laureate(s):


Live Stream on Tang Prize Website:





Speech of Welcome (MC) & Address from Tang Prize Found. CEO Dr. Chern


Announcement of Laureate(s)


Intro. to Laureate(s) and Prize Citation


End of Part I (MC)


5-minute break


Part II, Announcement in Chinese


Speech of Welcome (MC) & Address from Tang Prize Found. CEO Dr. Chern


Announcement of Laureate(s)


Intro. to Laureate(s) and Prize Citation




End of the Announcement

Last Updated on Saturday, 13 June 2020 21:31
The IAE general meeting is postponed until this fall. PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 17 April 2020 14:09

A general meeting of the International Academy of Engineering is scheduled for May 13, 2020. But taking into account the implementation in the Russian Federation and in other countries of measures to reduce the danger of the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, restrictions have been placed on the movement and contacts of people, on the work of enterprises, on all public events. Therefore, it is proposed to postpone the MIA General Meeting for this fall.

The date of the General Meeting of the International Academy of Engineering will be announced additionally.


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