Welcome to Taiwan Chapter of International Academy of Engineering
The online meeting of the Board of Presidents of INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING was held on Sep 16, 2020 |
Written by Administrator
Monday, 21 September 2020 15:28 |
On September 16, 2020, the online meeting of the Board of Presidents of INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING was held. The director of TCIAE, Dr. Jenn-Chuan CHERN, had a speech during the meeting. The following is the content:
I would like to give you a brief report on some of our main work and achievements. The Taiwan Chapter held its board of directors meeting on July 16th. President Gusev and Mr. Song-Jeng Huang, who is the director of Science and Technology Division of Taipei Representative Office in Moscow, were invited to talk about the interactions between Taiwan and Russia. A news article about their talks has been posted on the Taiwan Chapter’s website.
Thanks to the hard work of our administrator, all the information on our website is available in Chinese, English and Russian. We welcome members from other chapters to visit the website for any resources they need.
From June 18 to 21, 2020, we announced the latest Tang Prize winners. They are: Britain's Jane Goodall in Sustainable Development; America's Charles Dinarello, Marc Feldman, who is both British and Australian, and Japan’s Tadamitsu Kishimoto in Biopharmaceutical Science; Australia’s Wang Gungwu in Sinology; and for the prize in Rule of Law, it went to three non-governmental organizations: Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association based in Bangladesh, Dejusticia based in Colombia, and The Legal Agenda based in Agenda. They will share the prize money, 1.7 million US dollars.
On September 21 and 22, the Tang Prize Foundation will hold four Masters’ Forums, lifting the curtain on this year’s Tang Prize events. The Foundation cordially invites anyone interested to visit our official website and participate online in these thought-provoking conferences. (https://www.tang-prize.org/en/week.php?cat=94)
Sustainable Development
Biopharmaceutical Science
Taiwan has been able to contain the spread of COVID-19, and so far people's lives here have not changed that much. But some travel restrictions are still in place. From this moment on, I think our focus should be on developing effective vaccines and drugs and on bringing them to market. It will require our collective efforts to achieve this goal. Finally, I hope everyone will take good care of themselves and I wish you all the best.

Last Updated on Monday, 21 September 2020 16:01 |
Welcome Taiwan’s scholars and experts to participate in the ICMMB seminar to be held in Moscow next June |
Written by Administrator
Monday, 14 September 2020 14:19 |
Welcome Taiwan’s scholars and experts to participate in the ICMMB seminar to be held in Moscow next June
Last Updated on Friday, 18 September 2020 21:14 |
2020 Tang Prize Masters’Forums Elicit Laureates’ Insight about How to Face Challenges Posed by COVID-19 |
Written by Administrator
Wednesday, 02 September 2020 21:05 |
On September 21 and 22, the Tang Prize Foundation will hold four Masters’ Forums, lifting the curtain on this year’s Tang Prize events. The Foundation cordially invites anyone interested in topics related to sustainable development, biopharmaceutical science, Sinology, and the rule of law to visit our official website and participate online in these thought-provoking conferences.
俄羅斯科學院西伯利亞分院刊物(Science in Siberia)刊登本會創辦人尹先生報導 |
Written by Administrator
Wednesday, 02 September 2020 20:52 |
There are no translations available.
俄羅斯科學院西伯利亞分院刊物(Science in Siberia)於2020.8.20刊登尹先生報導(下載PDF),譯文如下: 俄羅斯科學院西伯利亞分院榮譽博士Samuel Yin 70大壽
尹衍樑(Samuel Yin)是國立台灣大學教授、國立台灣科技大學、北京大學、清華大學教授、武漢大學名譽教授、中國水利水電科學研究院名譽教授。
尹教授主要是研究複合結構的強度,特別是與抗震結構有關的強度。 在他的領導下,開發了一套預鑄格子板系統,該系統適用於設計高層建築隔震系統的高科技和創新方法,並創建了一套將科學、生產、控制和抗震結構操作相結合的新型預鑄工法。
尹教授的成就,獲得無數國家和國際知名獎項和榮譽,包括工業發展研究的亨利·邁克(Henry L. Michel)獎、北京大學獎章、聯合國環境獎,以及許多其他獎項。
西伯利亞科學院祝賀榮譽博士Samuel Yin身體健康、取得新的巨大成就、幸福、好運,並繼續與西伯利亞分院保持合作。
Last Updated on Wednesday, 02 September 2020 21:00 |
Board of Directors' and Supervisors' Meeting took place on July 16 |
Written by Administrator
Saturday, 18 July 2020 21:44 |
The epidemic is developing all over the world, so activities between Taiwan and Russia are deeply affected. While it is still difficult in Russia, Taiwan has coped with the coronavirus well, and restrictions on various indoor and outdoor activities have been gradually lifted.
Board of Directors' and Supervisors' Meeting took place on July 16. During the meeting, President of IAE B.V. Gusev (download) and Mr. Huang (download) from Science and Technology Division of the Moscow Representative Office of the Taipei-Moscow Coordination Commission for Economic and Cultural Cooperation were specially invited to speak separately via videoconference.
President of IAE, B. Gusev spoke about the main directions of activities and the structure of IAE. There is a wide range of engineering activities, and the most important ones are energy, materials science, problems of mechanical engineering, automation and robotization. Of course, environmental problems are further developed.
Mr. Huang, director of Science and Technology Division in Moscow, explained that for six months they have promoted scientific and technical cooperation with Russia and its neighboring countries. They have continued to conduct various events. In October, there will be a seminar on humanitarian and sustainable disasters (Vladivostok). On November 1-7 - a seminar on aerospace and technical sciences (Novosibirsk), in December - a biomedical seminar (Moscow). Everyone from TCIAE is welcome.
After the meeting, group photos were taken for memory.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 21 July 2020 20:37 |
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