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A letter to TCIAE members from IAE president B. Gusev PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 09 April 2020 21:36

Dear Colleagues!

The world is facing a new threat - the coronavirus.

By a decree of the President of Russia, as well as the heads of other countries, restrictions have been placed on the movement and contacts of people, on the work of enterprises, and on the conduct of all public events.

Despite this, our Academy continues to work in full in remote access mode. A system is being established at the academy that allows holding meetings, meetings of the Presidium, seminars, etc. in the mode of remote access via the Internet.

We will inform about additional general events.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones. (Attachment).

Yours faithfully,
President of IAE
B. V. Gusev

Last Updated on Thursday, 09 April 2020 22:00
2020國際工程院院士暨通訊院士接受提名中,於3月13日截止推薦 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 26 February 2020 09:36
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Last Updated on Wednesday, 26 February 2020 09:37
2021-2023年臺俄雙邊擴充加值型國際合作研究計畫徵求資訊 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Saturday, 22 February 2020 16:37
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古塞夫院長訪台接受泛科學訪問談創新3維週期表 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Saturday, 22 February 2020 16:27
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俄羅斯工程院及國際工程院古塞夫(Boris Gusev)院長及新科美國工程院NAE外籍院士伊戈爾·埃姆里(Igor Emri)202011418日訪台,參加各項活動。除拜訪唐獎教育基金會及國家地震工程研究中心進行交流外,古塞夫院長於1/16日赴中央研究院化學所演講,發表「三維化學元素週期表及新100元素預測」報告。

並於1/17日再赴臺灣科技大學進行相同課題之通識演講,由Dr. Emri翻譯及補充,包括30多位各校高中生代表參加,另外有校內及工程界人士參加,由廖慶榮校長親自主持。演講會後並由台灣分會TCIAE安排,由泛科學雜誌PanSci進行專訪,並撰寫成文章,發表如下:

泛科學訪古塞夫院長2/18報導 https://pansci.asia/archives/178480

俄羅斯工程院及國際工程院古塞夫(Boris Gusev)院長赴臺灣科技大學進行「三維化學元素週期表及新100元素預測」之通識演講。從左至右:鐵摩爾翻譯、俄羅斯國際工程院台灣分會陳振川理事長、古塞夫(Boris Gusev)院長、臺灣科技大學廖慶榮校長、新科美國工程院NAE外籍院士伊戈爾·埃姆里(Igor Emri)、臺灣科技大學朱瑾副校長。

古塞夫(Boris Gusev)院長赴臺灣科技大學演講,由廖慶榮校長親自接待。

古塞夫(Boris Gusev)院長赴臺灣科技大學進行「三維化學元素週期表及新100元素預測」之通識演講。

Last Updated on Saturday, 22 February 2020 16:34
President of IAE B. Gusev and Russian representative S. Petrov visited Gogoro PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Sunday, 16 February 2020 10:42

The representative of Moscow-Taipei Coordination Commission on Economic and Cultural Cooperation (MTC) Sergey Petrov and Deputy Representative Vladimir Konovalov acknowledged TCIAE ’s contribution to the Taiwan-Russia science and technology cooperation, and were actively participating in the activities arranged by TCIAE during the visit of President of IAE B. Gusev.

The representative of Moscow-Taipei Coordination Commission on Economic and Cultural Cooperation (MTC) Sergey Petrov and Deputy Representative Vladimir Konovalov acknowledged TCIAE ’s contribution to the Taiwan-Russia science and technology cooperation, and were actively participating in the activities arranged by TCIAE during the visit of President of IAE B. Gusev.

The former director of Science and Technology Division of Taipei Representative Office in Moscow professor Chao-Ming Fu, the former president of TCIAE professor Kuo-Chun Chang, director general of National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering professor Shyh-Jiann Hwang also accompanied with them.

The representative of Moscow-Taipei Coordination Commission on Economic and Cultural Cooperation Sergey Petrov (4th from left), Deputy Representative Vladimir Konovalov (5th from right) and President of IAE B. Gusev (middle) visited the innovative enterprise Gogoro.

On January 15th, under the arrangement of TCIAE, the Representative of MTC Sergey Petrov (5th from left) and Deputy Representative Vladimir Konovalov (4th from left) visited Gogoro, one of the two unicorns in Taiwan.

Representative S. Petrov (left one) gave the best compliments to the development of advanced motorcycles in Taiwan.

Last Updated on Sunday, 16 February 2020 10:52

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